Wedding Jitters? Here’s How to Handle Cold Feet

bride and groom on their wedding day

If you feel your heart beating faster than usual when your wedding is approaching, and it’s not excitement that you feel, don’t fret. Almost every bride and groom experiences pre-wedding jitters, so find solace in the fact that you’re not alone.

So, if you’re feeling panicky about your upcoming nuptials, don’t do anything drastic. Don’t cancel your trip to all of your potential wedding reception venues in Salt Lake City. If what you feel is in the list below, then your fears are not a cause for alarm.

You might be attracted to other people

When you said “yes” to your partner, you must have been so love-struck that you can’t imagine being with someone else. But, the closer you approach the big day, it seems that you find yourself getting attracted to other people.

If you find yourself having a crush a few weeks before you get married, don’t be afraid. It doesn’t mean that your love for your partner has waned. It only means that the reality of spending the rest of your life with one person has dawned on you, and it takes a little getting used to.

One way to get over this is to remind yourself why you said “yes” to your partner in the first place. Remember why you’ve decided to let go of the prospect of dating another person.

woman annoyed with her man

You find your partner annoying

If you’re a few weeks away from the big day and you suddenly find several things about your soon-to-be-spouse that annoy you, don’t cancel the wedding right away. Just because they chew with their mouth open or they take an hour to pick what to wear, those aren’t signs that you’re not meant for each other.

Also, if you think that this is the first time you’re noticing these annoying habits, think again. Chances are you’ve noticed them before. You’re only focusing on them now because your subconscious is putting you on high alert for any red flags that could signal you that the person you’re about to marry isn’t right for you.

Your wedding plans have evolved into a fight fest

If you argue more and more about your wedding plans, don’t think that it’s a teaser trailer to the rest of your life as husband and wife, which will be chock-filled with arguments and yelling. It only means that you’re two unique persons trying to adjust to each other’s expectations about the wedding.

Planning for a wedding can be tedious and it’s important that both parties are willing to be patient and listen to each other’s suggestions without countering immediately. One way to get over this hurdle is to remind each other that the purpose of the wedding is to be joined together forever, and all the other details are just icing on the cake.

These are just some of the wedding jitters that a lot of couples encounter. So, if any of the symptoms above have affected you or your partner, don’t worry. These signs are not red flags that you should be concerned about not signals that you should cancel your wedding.

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