Glossy Not Greasy: The Secrets to Achieving Lustrous Locks

Beautiful hair

Every hair product commercial that has ever existed has shown women with long, voluminous, shiny hair. And while length comes naturally or through extensions, and volume can be attained with a blow dryer and a comb, shiny hair isn’t as effortless to have.

Often, in your quest to achieve lusciously luminous locks, you end up having hair that looks more like Snape’s instead of Selena Gomez’s. In other words, you end up with greasy instead of glossy tresses.

But can anyone really blame you for trying? After all, shine is a sign of healthy hair. If yours is looking dull and tired, it can mean that your hair lacks nutrients. On the other hand, hair that’s too greasy can create scalp problems and gives you the look of someone who hasn’t taken a bath for a long time.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can make your hair healthy that it shines:

1. Refrain from washing your hair every day

The first rule of the shiny hair club? Do not wash your hair every day. This is especially true if you have dry hair. Constant shampooing and rinsing strip your scalp of its natural oils, preventing it from giving your strands a natural shine. Instead, wash your hair twice a week at most and only increase the frequency if you have a very oily scalp that leads to greasiness.

2. Seal in the shine

Another hair washing trick is rinsing with cold water. The science behind this is that cold water seals the hair cuticle, the outermost layer of hair strands. When hair cuticles are sealed, the hair looks smoother, reflecting the light better. As a result, you’ll have a smoother, shinier hair.

3. Spritz some shine spray

No one said you couldn’t use a little help from hair products. If you want a fast and convenient way to make your mane shine, spritzing a little bit of shine spray will do the trick. This is particularly convenient for girls with wavy, curly, or oily hair whose hair types do not reflect light well. The Olive Miracle Braid Sheen Spray is a great product to try from African Pride. Spritz a bit on your hands first then apply it lightly to the top layer of your hair using your fingers.

4. Get a hair consultation

man consulting a customer

You can try a million hair products that promise to give you luscious locks, but it’s all for naught if you’re using the wrong ones. The best and proper way to choose the right hair products is by knowing what your hair type is. Hair consultations can be done in salons, but if you want a more thorough study of your hair, hair and scalp clinics can do it. After you identify your hair type and other factors that affect its shine, you’ll be able to choose products that can address your hair’s lack of shine better.

As a final reminder, remember that your hair’s appearance can also reflect your overall health. When you take care of your health and well-being, shiny, lustrous hair will follow.

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