How To Prevent Skin Dehydration This Summer

a person washing her face

We all know how important it is to stay hydrated during summer. But did you know it’s just as important to keep your skin hydrated, too? When your skin is dehydrated, it can become dry, dull, and even wrinkled. Not precisely the glow you’re going for on your summer vacation. Luckily, you can do a few simple things to prevent skin dehydration and keep your skin looking its best all season long.

Choose Products Carefully

It’s also important to be mindful of what you’re putting on your skin during the summer months. Look for products labeled “oil-free” or “non-comedogenic,” as these won’t clog your pores or cause breakouts.

And since sunscreen is a must during the summer months, choose one broad-spectrum with an SPF of 30 or higher. Reapply it every two hours—even if you’re not spending time in direct sunlight—to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Moisturizers also play a key role in preventing skin dehydration. By adding moisture to the skin, they help to keep it looking healthy and hydrated.

Various moisturizers are available, including face, body, and lip balms. It’s essential to find one that best suits your needs and that you will be more likely to use regularly.

Some face moisturizers can be bought online, while others can be found in stores. Read the labels carefully to ensure the product is right for your skin type. Moreover, don’t forget to check the expiration date.

Drink Plenty of Water

This one should come as no surprise. Just as you need to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated from the inside out, so does your skin. When you’re sweating or spending time in the sun, aim to drink even more water than usual to compensate for any fluid loss. And if plain water isn’t your thing, try infusing it with fruit slices or herbs for a refreshing twist.

How much water should you drink to stay hydrated? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as the amount of water you need depends on various factors, including age, weight, and activity level. But a good rule of thumb is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses daily.

eating woman

Eat the right foods

Eating foods with high water content is another easy way to help keep your skin hydrated during the summer. Watermelon, cucumbers, and grapefruit are all great choices, as they contain a good amount of water and are also refreshing and delicious. And if you’re looking for a snack that will keep you hydrated throughout the day, try packing some diced fruit or vegetables in a reusable container.

Another thing to consider when it comes to diet and skin health is avoiding foods high in salt. Too much salt can cause your body to retain fluid, which can lead to puffiness and bloating—not exactly an attractive look. So skip the salty snacks this summer and reach for something healthier instead.

Avoid Hot Showers, and Long Soaks in the Tub

Long, hot showers or baths can strip your skin of vital oils. This can leave it feeling dry and dehydrated. To avoid this, try to limit yourself to shorter—and cooler—showers instead.

If you’re trying to make time for a nice soak in the tub, do your best to keep it as short as possible. Adding a few drops of essential oil to the water can help soothe your skin and provide an extra layer of hydration.

It would be best if you also kept the temperature of the water lukewarm—not hot. Hot water can damage your skin’s natural protective barrier, leaving it dry and irritated.

Moisturize after bathing

When you get out of the bath, it’s important to moisturize your skin immediately. This will help seal in the moisture that was absorbed during your soak.

Many different types of moisturizers are available, so it’s essential to find one that best suits your needs. If you have dry skin, look for a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid or ceramides. If you have oily skin, try a light moisturizer that won’t clog your pores.

No matter what type of moisturizer you choose, apply it liberally all over your body. And don’t forget about your hands and feet—these are often the driest areas of the body.

Stay Cool and Comfortable

When the temperatures start to rise, it’s tempting to crank up the AC and blast the air conditioning. But did you know that this can lead to skin dehydration? When the air is too dry, it can strip away your skin’s natural moisture, leaving it dry and irritated.

If you’re having trouble keeping your skin hydrated during the summer, you may opt for a humidifier. This adds moisture to the air, which can help prevent your skin from drying out.

Various humidifiers are available, so choose one that fits your needs. If you have a small space, opt for a personal humidifier. If you need something more powerful, go for a room humidifier.

Following these simple tips can prevent skin dehydration this summer and keep your skin looking and feeling its best all season long. So go ahead and enjoy those pool days and beach vacations—your skin will thank you!

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