Want that Bridal Glow? Skincare You Need to Do Before the Big Day

bride on wedding day

The skincare industry isn’t just any ordinary industry; it’s a never-ending quest in finding beauty through great skin that would make any Greek deity blush. That said, it isn’t a multi-billion dollar industry for nothing. For almost all women, a wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event and will take a great deal of preparation and work. There’s no other being on the planet that will need as much skincare as the bride on her special day.

Since most people will only get married at least once, it’s an event when preparation is essential. You will have to look for the right make-up artist, wedding dress designer, and wedding planner. But while these professionals work on other aspects of the wedding, it’s time to sit down, take a deep breath, and focus on what you can change: your skin.

Of course, you don’t have to be the bride to have smooth and glowing skin. Whether you’re part of the entourage, a close friend of the bride, or the host who’s directing the whole event, it doesn’t hurt to make yourself look good.

The Skincare Routine

Since this is an event that will possibly only present itself once in your life, taking care of your skin is a commitment in itself; it’s not a magical solution that can happen in a single night. It’s important to note that this skincare routine shouldn’t be something that’s done in one day. Since it’s a routine, it’s supposed to be done in a particular timetable. Most experts would suggest doing this in a year to ensure the best results.


First and foremost, every skincare routine needs to start with a thorough cleaning to ensure that there are no impurities on your skin and face. It’s important to note that most skin cleansers are not made equal and will have their unique properties. The rule of thumb from most experts is that you should clean your face twice, which helps remove elements that might clog your pores.

The central premise of skincare products is to ensure that your skin will be able to absorb what you’re placing, so clogged pores will only slow down the process.

The next step? Just keep on cleansing. The second phase of the cleansing process should be more focused on your pores. A right amount of exfoliation can ensure help calm and soothe the skin while clearing any unwanted blemishes caused by residue.


On the night before the big day, applying toner will help restore the balance on your skin and ensure that pores are shrunk tight to tighten cell gaps. Toners are also known for preventing abnormal hair growths on your skin, which can reduce the formation of ingrown hair.


Dry and cracked skin is the last thing that you want on your wedding photos. Serums can become significant in dry seasons in tropical countries and in winter seasons in more temperate areas. Usually, serums are a great way of retaining moisture in the skin.


After locking down your skin in terms of moisture, it’s time to start moisturizing your skin. If you’re in a tropical place, you might be getting the right amount of sun, which can cause your skin to dry. If this is the case, you might want to get some moisturizing lotion with SPF. Some medical practitioners would suggest using SPF on the skin as it can prevent premature aging.

Facial Oil

Facial oils are designed for any type of skin, and will usually get down to business as soon as you place it on your skin. It’s best to leave it overnight so that your skin can produce collagen at a more accelerated rate. By improving skin elasticity, you’ll look years (or decades) younger.

Eye Cream

If you’re someone who’s been working long hours at the office (or you’ve been staying up trying to plan out your wedding), you might want to check out some eye cream. As the name suggests, this has healing effects on your eyes.

Keep Calm And Relax

Skin care

Don’t stress out too much about what you should place on your skin at the end of the day. Getting nervous and being too mindful of your skin can lead to breakouts and rashes, which can be counter-productive to what you want. The last thing that you want during your wedding photoshoots is getting breakouts.

When you’re ensuring that your skin is in good condition, it can be expensive, but investing in your skin is worth your time and energy. When you’ve pulled that flawless look, your skin will thank you for taking good care of it.

As the name suggests, your skincare routine for your wedding day shouldn’t be a problem and just feel like its namesake – a habit that you’re used to.

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