Standing Out in a Man’s World

Successful man in suit

It may no longer be just a man’s world but being a man still holds many strong connotations in society. How can one separate himself from the crowd and get noticed? You may be starting in the first rung of your career ladder or trying to protect your lead in the pack. Whatever the case may be, here are some strategies to stand out.

Invest in Foot Wear

People have a way of forming first impressions by looking at one’s footwear. Brogue shoes can be man’s best friend. It is a versatile shoe style that encompasses the formal to casual categories. Owning a pair or two with a different type or color is enough to complete any ensemble. You can rock any outfit and feel comfortable about it. Quality, comfort, and style are all in this pair of shoes. You only have to make sure that they are clean and in good condition. You can mix and match and people will still see a stylish man of the world in you.

Make Casual Outfits Look Stylish

For a male to stand out, it does not mean that he has to be always clad in suits and ties. There are many ways to make a statement without having to wear coats and formal wear. The choices for men in the clothing department is still limited as compared to that of a woman. But it has come a long way as compared to the selection before. You can choose to have layers such as cardigans, sweaters, and jackets. Accents like scarves, belts, and wristwatches also transform drab to glam. Always make sure that all your clothing pieces are tailor-fit. A man will not score a good first impression by wearing too snug or loose clothing.

Be a Gentleman

A true gentleman is more than what he wears. A man that stands out in the crowd is one that has impeccable manners. When one knows how to behave well, people notice. Are you a man that honours his word? Do you listen to what people have to say? When a man shows commitment and is non-egoistic, he makes himself much more approachable. Going the extra mile is also an admirable trait. Being sensitive to the need of others without being pushed over defines a better man. Strength does not only mean being tough all the time but knowing how to embrace the softer side. A man who knows how to laugh and give happiness to others is a man that people would want to be with.

Know Your Purpose

In the office

For a man to stand out, he must know what he stands for. Having strong principles-and living them out- will separate him among the crowd. When he knows his direction, he will know how to map out his actions. A scattered-brain man is a total turn-off, not only in the romantic arena but even more so in the corporate world. Also, having a definite purpose in mind will help him exude self-confidence. Strong self-esteem may not come overnight. Having a mentor or observing other successful men can help you develop in this area.

It is tough to be a man in a man’s world. There may be high expectations and stiff competition. But it is also a privilege to show the world what a real man is made of.

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