Statistics show that millennials are more likely to marry later in life than the generation they followed, and some choose not to marry at all. Those who desire to get married, however, have been changing many aspects of marriage, including pre-nuptial traditions and other rules and trends.
Because millennials have unique demands when it comes to weddings, wedding and events venues at Minnesota and other states are starting to offer a wider range of services that can cater to their clients’ unique needs or requests.
The new wedding trends have led to marriage becoming a status symbol for millennials. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis noted that millennials who are married have at least $91,000 in their assets. Additionally, their student loans are found to be only half of the loans of millennials who haven’t tied the knot yet.
The Culture of Individualism
Millennials do not necessarily see marriage as a bad thing, but the concept of being independent and in control of their own lives lures them to put the marriage in waiting. In married life, there would be a lot of compromises and adjustments involved, which can shake up an independent person’s mentality. However, research shows that a healthy lifetime bond with a partner, such as a spouse, can have many benefits, including a longer life. This particular benefit is reinforced when the relationship is satisfying.
On the contrary, staying single has also given millennials economic benefits. As previously stated, single millennials are shown to be more financially successful than their married fellows. For this reason, they are choosing to delay marriage, especially if their partners have an entirely different culture and tradition, which may require them a more costly ceremony.
Taking the Time to Find the Right Partner
Millennials tend to take it slow when it comes to finding the one they would marry. Divorce rates are higher in the generation before them, so before getting married, millennials like to be sure that they know their partners well enough. They also want to avoid going through a divorce.
The good news is that millennials are staying in marriages longer. In 2018, the University of Maryland had released an analysis of divorce rates in the United States, and it showed that millennials are fueling the dropping rates.
Marrying for Love
There was a time when marriages were done for political reasons, but right now, millennials like to marry for love. Love and relationship coach, Sami Wunder, shared that millennial women no longer marry for money because they are likely to be financially stable already. When women are successful, they feel that it is just the right time for them to find love and get married. Finding a good match that they can share their life with is now their goal of marrying. This usually takes a long time.
The decision to get married still depends on how much a person loves his or her partner. Millennials have redefined marriage as living with a soulmate, so they like to share life and start a family with someone they’re deeply and passionately in love with. After a long time of growing their wealth and getting to know their partner, millennials are more positive that marrying would be the right choice and that everything they have gone through will enable them to stay married with the same partner for life.